Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne

Warmest congratulations to Professor Stoffel from the CMMC Family

30/04/2024 | We are pleased to extend our warmest congratulations to you on the occasion of your birthday. We recognize the dedication of your life to the pursuit…

Once food is in sight, the liver is activated

26/04/2024 | The brain sends signals to the liver earlier than previously assumed, which then adapts the sugar metabolism - publication in ‘Science’.

ERC Advanced Grants for the CECAD and CMMC researchers Jens Brüning and Thorsten Hoppe

11/04/2024 | Metabolism researcher Jens Brüning and geneticist Thorsten Hoppe, both working group leaders at the Cluster of Excellence for Aging Research CECAD and…

Fuelling nerve cell function and plasticity

08/04/2024 | New finding from scientists at the University of Cologne’s CECAD and CMMC discloses how mitochondria control tissue rejuvenation and synaptic…

Research laboratories of the Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne on level 1 awarded the Green Lab certificate

08/04/2024 | After a 9-month certification process, four research groups at laboratory level 1 of the Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne (CMMC research…

Eating, socializing or exploring: How the brain switches between different behaviors

18/03/2024 | Project involving the University of Cologne gives insights into a key brain function / publication in ‘Nature Neuroscience’

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